Climate and Weather in Malaga

Climate and weather data for Malaga in Spain

Weather and climate stats in Malaga Spain. It is not without a reason that Malaga province or “Costa del Sol”, gets its name. The climate here is stable with many sunny days all year round. During the winter months, temperatures can fall to 13 degrees, while in summer is around 30 degrees, and infrequent rain. Here, we look at everything you need to know about weather, climate, temperature, precipitation, sunshine hours and much more in Malaga.

The climate of Malaga is typical Mediterranean subtropical, which means very mild winters and lovely hot summers. Year-round sun shines 300 days a year. Malaga is located near the sea, and cooling winds prevents summer from becoming too hot. Malaga is said to have Europe’s warmest winter temperatures for major cities on the mainland. Even in January you can expect daytime temperature of over 17 degrees Celsius.

The seasons in Malaga

Malaga has basically three seasons. The summer season lasts from April to November. The winter season is January and February. The third period may well be called for transition periods and it is from December to March.
– Summer is usually from April to November
– Winter is normally from January to February

Weather and climate in Malaga

Malaga Located on the Mediterranean contributes to a constant mild and pleasant climate all year round and attracts tens of thousands of tourists also in wintertime. The temperature is very rarely below zero, and snow is almost unheard of. The winter in Malaga and the Costa del Sol area is mild and summer warm but rarely very hot and the humidity is relatively low. From autumn to spring rain comes about once a week, and when it’s not raining, it is often clear weather. The same applies to the Costa Blanca, which has little or no clouds 100 to 150 days of the year. So much clear weater proves again in temperature, and in summer it is usually 38 ° C and higher. The air can also be quite humid, but it rarely gets precipitation out of it.

Note that although the average temperature in January and February is 16 degrees, you will often experience much warmer days, up to 25 degrees. These months are the coolest, and evenings can often be cold, so remember to bring a good jacket if you are going to Malaga in the winter time.

Malaga climate in January

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in January month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in January
Minimum temperature: 8 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 17 degrees
Water temperature: 15 degrees
Sunshine: 6 hours
The probability of rain 20 percent
Humidity: 77 percent

Malaga climate in February

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in February month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in February
Minimum temperature: 9 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 18 degrees
Water temperature: 14 degrees
Sunshine: 7 hours
The probability of rain 23 percent
Humidity: 72 percent

Malaga climate in March

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in March month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in March
Minimum temperature: 11 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 20 degrees
Water temperature: 16 degrees
Sunshine: 7 hours
The probability of rain 19 percent
Humidity: 71 percent

Malaga climate April

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in April month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in April
Minimum temperature: 12 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 22 degrees
Water temperature: 18 degrees
Sunshine: 9 hours
The probability of rain 21 percent
Humidity: 66 percent

Malaga climate in May

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in May month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in May
Minimum temperature: 15 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 25 degrees
Water temperature: 18 degrees
Sunshine: 9 hours
The probability of rain 15 percent
Humidity: 66 percent

Weater in Malaga

Climate Weather in Malaga

Malaga climate in June

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in June month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in June
Minimum temperature: 19 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 29 degrees
Water temperature: 19 degrees
Sunshine: 12 hours
The probability of rain: 2 percent
Humidity: 62 percent

Malaga climate in July

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in the month of July. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in July
Minimum temperature: 21 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 31 degrees
Water temperature: 20 degrees
Sunshine: 12 hours
The probability of rain: 0 percent
Humidity: 63 percent

Malaga climate August

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in August. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in August
Minimum temperature: 22 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 31 degrees
Water temperature: 22 degrees
Sunshine: 11 hours
The probability of rain: 1 percent
Humidity: 64 percent

Malaga climate September

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in September month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in September
Minimum temperature: 19 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 28 degrees
Water temperature: 22 degrees
Sunshine: 8 hours
The probability of rain 10 percent
Humidity: 70 percent

Malaga climate in October

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in October month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in October
Minimum temperature: 16 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 24 degrees
Water temperature: 20 degrees
Sunshine: 7 hours
The probability of rain 24 percent
Humidity: 73 percent

Malaga climate November

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in November month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in November
Minimum temperature: 12 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 20 degrees
Water temperature: 16 degrees
Sunshine: 6 hours
The probability of rain 24 percent
Humidity: 72 percent

Malaga climate in December

Climate and weather for Malaga in Spain in December month. Description for section on climate in Malaga located in the lower section.

Climate data and weather in Malaga in December
Minimum temperature: 10 degrees
Maximum tempereatur: 17 degrees
Water temperature: 15 degrees
Sunshine: 5 hours
The probability of rain 30 percent
Humidity: 78 percent

Map of Malaga

Description of climate data Malaga
Minimum Temperature = Average minimum temperature in the years 2003-2012. The temperature may sometimes be higher or lower.
Maximum temperature = Average maximum temperature of the years 2003-2012. The temperature may sometimes be higher or lower.
Water Temperature = Average water temperature of the recent years. The temperature may be sometimes below or above this value. On shallow beaches, the temperature will be higher in summer.
Sunshine Hours = Average number of sunshine hours per day.
Probability of Rain = The average daily probability of rain.
Humidity = The average humidity. Depending on the actual wind and the sunshine amount, the value may be higher or lower.

Need Car hire on your holiday in Malaga?

Now a day’s it is very popular to rent a car on your holiday in Malaga. The majority choose to pick up a car at Malaga Airport. With car rental you and your family have the opportunity to take pleasant day trips in Costa del Sol, take exciting excursions at your own pace and not be dependent on public transport. By comparing prices of car rental from several companies, you can save a lot of money. Check your prices on car hire in Malaga now.

Useful links about Malaga Province
Malaga Province
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Activities for children in Malaga
Nightlife in Malaga
Malaga Province Beaches
Climate and Weather in Malaga
Shopping in Malaga
Restaurants in Malaga
Car Hire Tips at Malaga Airport
Costa del Sol
Hotels in Costa del Sol
Theme Parks in Costa del Sol
Water parks Costa del Sol

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