16 Things you should know about Wine

Things you should know about Wine. Since its inception seven thousand years ago, it estimated by remains of cultivated vineyards in the Caucasus with that old, wine has become one of the most coveted drinks for people. No matter social class, color, religion, or season, a good glass of wine will always be a symbol of class and sophistication.
#1 White wine for fish, red wine for meat
FALSE. This rule is obsolete even though it has some real meaning. In practice little it is still and if you are a novice wine drinker begins to drink and accompany your meal with wine you like or you can buy, and go experimenting with other slowly. As your palate evolves hitting go right.
#2 The marriage of food and wine is just for strawberries
FALSE. Maridar implies, marriage, support, liaison, balance and harmony. Maridas a wine to match its best features to the food you’re going to try on the table. Example: grilled red meat: cabernet sauvignon grape wine. Eye, is not a rule.

16 things you should know about wine
#3 White wine is for the girls and red for boys
FALSE. Everything depends on the history of flavors to keep your taste buds and the features you like. Many women like sweetish wine because they have no habit of drinking wine. Others prefer white because they feel lighter. No problem, but the color of the wine does not mark gender. A white wine can be fruity and not coexist well with meat. A red wine can have both body matte velvety taste some oysters. Drink wine unprejudiced and experience to drink them both in the same or different occasions.
#4 The most expensive wines are the best
MORE OR LESS. It depends from what point of view you see it. It is true that the most expensive wines, they are for something, but are not always better. There are wines that are renowned for their fame but are not so good, and there are wines of low price or cheap plane at a table behave very well. The best wine is the one who can pay.

16 things you should know about wine
#5 The white wine has to be cooled in the refrigerator
FALSE. If you have no choice, ok, but there is always the possibility of cooling with ice, either in a bucket or in a cooler. The refrigerator temperature can lower it too much or not enough cool because it is made for food. However there are coolers for wines with compartments for red and white.
#6 Red wine in Spanish is said “Tinto”, not “Rojo
TRUE. But if you ask me why, it is merely a formality because the red wine actually acquires its color by chemical processes that we will not address. But on the table, yes you hear say, “Pass the red wine”, which does not happen ridiculously white or pink.
#7 The red wine should not be cooled
FALSE. Red wine is drunk at a temperature of between 16 and 18 degrees, usually. A white wine is ideally drinks to 12 degrees or less. You’ll learn according to wine. But in many restaurants deliver mulled wine. Drinker coke warm? Do not! Same with the wine. Low temperature red and do not let him serve you warm in a restaurant!

16 things you should know about wine
#8 This wine gets along well with all our food
FALSE. So to sell a waiter is able to tell you anything. Many wine waiters do not know because they are new and recommend without knowing. This is a problem because when two do not know things get complicated. then choose the grape you know and buy the wine according to your budget and the country that you like. But remember that the character of the same grape in each country is different. Start with the most and you can see rotating. Drink and learn.
#9 The wine is good for the heart
TRUE. medical studies for two decades recommend a couple of glasses of wine to prevent heart disease. Cabernet Sauvignon grape is the most recommended. But do not take this advice to heart. Do not try to finish you a daily bottle to be healthier. Eat well.
#10 The sweet wine is for those who do not take
FALSE. Sweet wines are generally dessert wines although there are different ranges of “sweet”. A good Asti, dry, pairs well with many things and has a certain sweetness that attracts. But there are very sweet wines as “late harvest” that are delicious with blue cheese and foie gras, for example. You could almost say that those who drink more wine tastes sweet wine.

16 things you should know about wine
#11 If you do not finish a bottle stick it to the fridge
MORE OR LESS. If you have no other choice and do not want to finish it, ok, but do not let more than two days there because the wine will lose all its grace. There are special plugs in shops or stores specialized areas that help remove air and wine lasts up to a week.
#12 To make a bottle of wine, a kilo of grapes is needed
TRUE. But there are other wines that require more.
#13 France is the number one producer of wine in the world, followed by Spain and Italy
TRUE. Although Spain seems to have already overtaken.
#14 The wine drinking country that is France, with consumption of 50 liters per year per person (one bottle per week)
TRUE. But you’d be surprised to know that in the Papacy Vatican half a liter a day, on average drink.
#15 An average glass of white wine contains 100 calories, while red has 100 more
MORE OR LESS. It depends on what wine but that’s the trend.
#16 Children must learn to drink wine from little
MORE OR LESS. In European producer countries, parents give children vine mixed in water from 4 or 5 years old. In Latin countries, there no practice.
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